Linh Dinh ’25 (she/her)
Majors: Government and Economics
“Human rights has always been at the center of my heart and my activism. The mission that the Oak Institute is endowed with aligns closely with mine.”
Human rights has always been at the center of my heart and my activism. The mission that the Oak Institute is endowed with aligns closely with mine. The Oak Institute also has a fascinating theme this year that I have wanted to discuss with the Colby community for a long time — Indigenous People. I’m really excited to work closely with my Co-Chair, the Oak Student Committee and the Oak Human Rights Fellow to bring about enriching experiences for students on our campus. Careerwise, I’m looking to pursue a PhD, join a think tank as a researcher or work for NGOs and departments within the Vietnamese government.
5195 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Maine 04901
P: 207-859-5195
[email protected]
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